Meeshi LOVES my shoe, the tooth marks on the heel are definitive proof
Meeshi LOVES mom’s shoes, the tooth marks on the heel are definitive proof

Meeshika was born in July of 2007.  He is the mellowest and easiest dog I have ever met, I had no idea they even came that way, and I am so glad they do.  He was born on a ranch in the Black Forrest area of Colorado, with lots of other dogs and horses.  I got to meet him and all his brothers and sisters when they were six weeks old.  I was supposed to pick out one of the puppies and put down a deposit and them come back two weeks latter to pick him up. Molly and Chloe were very clear that I was to bring home a boy, another girl was not on their wish list.  I picked out a very cute pup with a blue collar.  I ruled out the pup with the red collar as he seemed a little too bossy, and I did not think that would fly with Molly and Chloe.  It was lots of fun, all the puppies were running around in a large fenced off area in a huge barn.  I rubbed his scent on a towel to bring to the girls, so they could get used to his scent.

Meeshi loves milk and is learning about birds at an early age

When I came back to bring home the puppy I had put a deposit down on, the rancher and one of her dogs walked me to the barn. As we walked into the fenced off area, all the Golden Retriever puppies went nuts over the rancher’s dog as they had never seen him before, including the puppy with the blue ribbon I had chosen.  All the Golden Retriever puppies raced up the strange new dog  to check him out. All but the puppy with the red ribbon, the one I had ruled out.  He came running straight up to me and had no interest in that other dog.  I picked him up and he tunneled his head deep in between my head and shoulder rubbing himself as far up to my neck as he could.  Duh!  I’m not sure why I hadn’t figured this out sooner.  He told me in no uncertain terms that I had picked the wrong puppy and the he was the one who belonged with us!  Luckily no one else had made a claim on him yet, so we got to go home together!

Grandma & Grandma giving treats

He did great in the car — until we got to Turkey Creek Canyon.  Half way through the curvy canyon road he started to whimper and I pulled over to let him out but before the car had come to a stop he was already hurling into the door pocket.   The rest of the drive had to go at a snails pace as there were many more curves ahead. Today he is a real car champ, he knows how to brace himself in the turns and loves nothing more than to stick his head out the window and let the wind blow in his ears.

He continues to be a very easy dog.  He was housebroken in no time and is sweet and snuggly all the time.

…… until the day came when he had his first big medical issue.

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